Tuesday, July 14, 2020

7 Day Energy Revolution

7 Day Energy Revolution

If you want to see everything in action and haven't yet check it out on my youtube channel for part 1 and part 2 of my journey!

DAY 8 - Monday 6/15/2020:

Woke up: 9:30 AM
Went to bed: Got in bed around 11:00PM probably fell asleep around 11:30PM
*woke up around 5AM to pee, and then woke up again from a bad dream around 8AM*

How long: 50 minutes + 20 minutes stretch 
What you did: 12 minute jog, 38 minute lower body workout, 20 minute stretch 

Health shot - turmeric, black pepper, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, water

Neurogenesis (learning something new 12 minutes) 
What you learned: new choreography for a combo that a co-worker put together (I am a dance teacher
and the company I work for also puts together “show” pieces that we learn and usually perform)
How long: 20 minutes 

Trying something new: Learning how “to golf” again lol 

Screen time: Didn’t go on tiktok today so that was a plus, didn’t watch TV at night, but did watch
youtube videos around lunch time 

How am I feeling (mood)? 7
How am I thinking (attention/focus)? 7
How is my energy level? 6

Pleasure - do something just for fun
What you did? Played a virtual board game with my brother and Chris 
How did it make you feel? It’s always fun playing board games and spending time with loved ones. 
If you did this, or more things like this to your daily life how would it change your life? There would
be more to look forward to instead of just obligations. 

DAY 9 - Tuesday 6/16/2020:

Woke up: 8:30AM (was up around 8 from a bad dream, but got up at 8:30) 
Went to bed: 11:00PM (fell asleep around 11:30 probably) 

How long: 42 minutes (walked to the beach which was probably 10 minutes) 
What you did: 12 minute jog, 30 minute strengthening, 20 minute stretch 

Health shot - turmeric, black pepper, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, water

Neurogenesis (learning something new 12 minutes) 
What you learned: Finished learning the dance choreography, tried it up to speed at music, also
watched a 40 minute lecture on swing dancing 
How long: 10 minutes 

Trying something new: Tried the dance to music 

Screen time: Watched TV before bed (1 hour), and a little tiktok 

How am I feeling (mood)? 9
How am I thinking (attention/focus)? 9
How is my energy level? 9

What did you do? I filmed a what I eat in a day tiktok 
How did it make you feel? Made me feel like I accomplished something, even if it was just for fun 
If you did this, or more things like this to your daily life how would it change your life? I usually aim
to do things that make me feel productive and I always feel much better about myself and my day
if I feel productive. 

Overall Mood: I felt awesome and motivated today, all day! It’s such a great feeling when you feel
energized and excited through the day. I want every day to feel like this :) 

DAY 10 - Wednesday 6/17/2020:

Woke up: 8:30AM (got out of bed at 9) 
Went to bed: 10:30 (fell asleep probably by 11:30)

How long: 45 minutes
What you did: Kayaked 30 minutes, strengthening 15 minutes 

Health shot -  turmeric, black pepper, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, water

Neurogenesis (learning something new 12 minutes) 
What you learned: N/A :(
How long: -

Trying something new: N/A :(

Screen time: Watched TV before bed 

How am I feeling (mood)? 7
How am I thinking (attention/focus)? 8
How is my energy level? 8

Power - do something that makes you feel powerful 
What did you do? ***
How did it make you feel? I felt great, really confident. 
If you did this, or more things like this to your daily life how would it change your life? I would probably
start holding myself differently and being more confident on a daily basis. 

DAY 11 - Thursday 6/18/2020:

Woke up: 8:30
Went to bed: got into bed around 10:30 (probably fell asleep around 11)

How long: 55 minutes 
What you did: 35 minutes strengthening, 20 minutes volleyball 

Health shot -  turmeric, black pepper, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, water

Neurogenesis (learning something new 12 minutes) 
What you learned: N/A :(
How long: -

Trying something new: N/A :(

Screen time: Watched TV before bed

How am I feeling (mood)? 8
How am I thinking (attention/focus)? 8
How is my energy level? 8

Pride - do something that makes you feel proud
What did you do? I worked out my chest by choice and I usually avoid upper body workouts 
How did it make you feel? I felt strong, accomplished and proud of myself 
If you did this, or more things like this to your daily life how would it change your life? I would feel
better about myself and know I can do anything if I just try it 

DAY 12 - Friday 6/19/2020:
Woke up: 8:30AM
Went to bed: 12:45AM (went in bed at like 10:30 and Chris and I ended up talking until 12:45
somehow lol) 

How long: ~45 minutes 
What you did: 30 minutes strengthening, ~15 minutes walking (to and from the beach) 

Health shot -  turmeric, black pepper, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, water

Neurogenesis (learning something new 12 minutes) 
What you learned: N/A :(
How long: -

Trying something new: N/A :( 

Screen time: Spent the day with family at the beach and playing games so in the clear :)

How am I feeling (mood)? 9
How am I thinking (attention/focus)? 8
How is my energy level? 8

Passion - do something that reminds you of your passions
What did you do? N/A :(
How did it make you feel? -
If you did this, or more things like this to your daily life how would it change your life? -

DAY 13 - Saturday 6/20/2020:

Woke up: 8:30AM
Went to bed: 11/11:30PM

How long: ~50 minutes 
What you did: 25 minutes strengthening, ~10 minutes swimming, ~15 minutes tubing (upper body)

Health shot -  turmeric, black pepper, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, water

Neurogenesis (learning something new 12 minutes) 
What you learned: N/A :(
How long: -

Trying something new: N/A :(

Screen time: Nada, spend time with family :) 

How am I feeling (mood)? 9
How am I thinking (attention/focus)? 9
How is my energy level? 8

Peace - do something that gives you a sense of peace 
What did you do? Went to the beach :)
How did it make you feel? Amazing
If you did this, or more things like this to your daily life how would it change your life? It would be
amazing if I could spend time at the beach every day!

DAY 14 - Sunday 6/21/2020:

Woke up: 8:45AM 
Went to bed: sometime after 1AM :\

How long: Rest day
What you did: -

Health shot -  turmeric, black pepper, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, water

Neurogenesis (learning something new 12 minutes) 
What you learned: N/A :(
How long: -

Trying something new: N/A :(

Screen time: Nothing, it was father’s day so spent the day with him and my mom

How am I feeling (mood)? 8
How am I thinking (attention/focus)? 8
How is my energy level? 8

Purpose - do something that gives you a sense of purpose 
What did you do? -
How did it make you feel? -
If you did this, or more things like this to your daily life how would it change your life? -

Overall Thoughts: Even though I decided to restart week 2 and didn't do everything perfectly
(screen time except the weekend, learning something new and I dropped the ball on the daily
novelties towards the second half of the week) I’m glad I did it. I crushed the working out, even
with injuring my hamstring (I allowed myself a rest day on Sunday and I’m cool with that). I tracked
my sleep and got enough most nights (life happens sometimes). I did a health shot with turmeric
every day. I’m proud of myself and I think it gave me better habits and more awareness of my sleeping
patterns and workout patterns for sure. I ate pretty well, trying to maintain last week’s plan but I
definitely indulged when I wanted to and probably drank a little too much lol, but that’s ok I can
always get back on track. My overall mood and energy was pretty great this week, but the weather
was also stellar and I got a lot of beach time so I feel like that helped a lot to be honest. However I
would definitely recommend doing something like this if you feel like you’re in a rut or not yourself.
It puts you in a great mindset and brings more awareness to healthy habits. 

If you want to see more in action check out my videos in part 1 and part 2 on youtube!!



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