Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Things to do While in Quarantine (Board Game Edition)

Play Board Games!

If you're lucky enough to be quarantined with family/friends then this is such a life saver. My boyfriend Chris and I are HUGE board game nerds, like obsessed with strategy games (way before this quarantine life, but great to pass time and use your brains!)
If you happen to be stuck quarantined alone don't worry you can play board games on (highly addicting). You can play with other family/friends virtually if you want - they just need account (you can join for free or get premium for $4 a month). Or you can play with randos whatever you feel. 

If you don't like strategy games this list maybe isn't for you but I'll share my personal faves here in no particular order:

1. Carcassonne

2. Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle Deck Building Game 
Add the expansion pack too if you're really into 10/10 would recommend:

3. Puerto Rico

4. Lords of Waterdeep: A Dungeons & Dragons Board Game

5. Parcheesi

6. Risk

7. Game of Thrones Risk

8. Catan

9.  Pandemic (warning might be triggering during this time sorry!)

10. 7 Wonders

11. 7 Wonders Duel

12. Forbidden Island

13. Chess

14. Ticket to Ride

15. Splendor

16. Chinese Checkers

17. Dungeons and Dragons: Castle Ravenloft Board Game (this is honestly beyond the nerdiest game I've ever played or encountered so if only recommend for the super nerds)

This group of games are some of my favorite and all are so interesting and can be so different each time you play! Check them out and let me know if you did!



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